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What Makes Our Call Monitoring Centre Different and Fit for 2024?
At Call Connect 247, we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to preventative services. Our team of trained call handlers and responders, equipped with the knowledge of supporting the latest cutting-edge care technology from over 50 suppliers, ensures that our clients receive the best possible care.

Key features of our
preventative services include:

We can perform health observations that integrate with virtual ward systems, allowing us to lean into prevention and proactively address potential issues such as falls.
Health Observations

Our optimised falls pick-up response, supported by a decision support tool, maximises efficiency in handling falls and reduces the need for ambulance services.
Falls Pick-Up Response

Unlike traditional pendant alarm systems, our responders are informed by comprehensive data, enabling them to provide more accurate and effective support.
Data-Informed Responders

Call Connect 247 staff keep a close eye on data trends over time by getting to know their users, helping to identify patterns and anticipate potential issues before they become critical.
Analysing Data Trends

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Call Connect 247 is dedicated to delivering preventative services that go beyond immediate response, focusing on long-term health and wellbeing through advanced technology and skilled care.

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